Abstract | Cilj ovoga rada je prikazati primjenu zaštite zdravlja i sigurnosti radnika pri radu u skladištu. Da bi se poslovi u skladištu obavljali što funkcionalnije primjenjuje se logistika i logistički sustavi. Nakon toga, govori se o samom skladištu, njegovoj funkciji, vrsti te veličini. Svaki zaposlenik u skladištu ima svoj zadatak, pa se javlja i određeni popis poslova za pojedinog radnika, a to bi bili: rukovoditelj skladišta, glavni skladištar, šef službe za logistiku i slično. Važno je spomenuti da su poslodavci dužni osposobiti radnike za rad na siguran način i postaviti određene znakove sigurnosti na mjestu rada. Zaključeno je kako je primjena mjera zaštite na radu važna za sve čimbenike rada i zdravlje radnika. Kroz eksperimentalni dio koristio se upitnik kao način provođenja istraživanja te je utvrđeno za svako radno mjesto što zahtjeva od radnika, koje napore i kakve vještine. Skladištar obavlja poslove preuzimanja robe u skladište, njezinog skladištenja i izdavanja iz skladišta, te vodi evidenciju robe. Njegov posao obuhvaća preuzimanje, smještanje i čuvanje robe, pakiranje i pripremu za prodaju, te komisioniranje i otpremu. Pri skladištenju robu mora sortirati i kompletirati, te osigurati način njene dopreme i otpreme. Zadužen je za ispravno čuvanje robe i sprečavanje robnih gubitaka. Voditelj transporta prati i obavlja rad u transport, nadzire utovare i istovare vagonskih i kamionskih pošiljaka, te sudjeluje u obavljanju istog. Vozač viličara obavlja radnje na utovaru, istovaru i uskladištenju robe, zadužen je za viličar i opremu, provodi održavanje i tehničku ispravnosti viličara, obavlja rad s viličarom na različitim lokacijama Centralnog skladišta (sudjeluje u javnom cestovnom prometu). |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this paper is to present the application of health and safety protection of workers when working in the warehouse. In order to perform the work in the warehouse as functionally as possible, logistics and logistics systems are applied. After that, we talk about the warehouse itself, its function, type and size. Each employee in the warehouse has his own task, so there is a certain list of jobs for each employee, and these would be: warehouse manager, chief warehouseman, head of logistics and the like. It is important to mention that employers are required to train workers to work in a safe manner and to install certain safety signs at the workplace. It was concluded that the application of occupational safety measures is important for all factors of work and the health of workers. Throughout the experimental part, the questionnaire was used as a way of conducting research and it was determined for each job what it requires from the workers, what efforts and what skills. The warehouseman performs the tasks of taking the goods into the warehouse, storing them and issuing them from the warehouse, and keeps records of the goods. His job includes picking up, storing and storing goods, packing and preparing for sale, and commissioning and shipping. During storage, the goods must be sorted and completed, and ensure the manner of their delivery and dispatch. He is in charge of proper storage of goods and prevention of goods losses. The transport manager monitors and performs work in transport, supervises the loading and unloading of wagon and truck shipments, and participates in its performance. The forklift driver performs loading, unloading and storage of goods, is in charge of the forklift and equipment, performs maintenance and technical correctness of the forklift, works with the forklift at various locations of the Central Warehouse (participates in public road transport).. |