Abstract | U ovom radu je obrađeno gospodarenje otpadom na temelju sadašnje situacije u Republici Hrvatskoj i dobroj svetskoj praksi. U sadašnjem vremenu ljudske civilizacije svakodnevno nastaju velike količine otpada u svijetu kao i u Republici Hrvatskoj zbog urbanizacije, razvoja tehnologije i povećanja ljudske populacije. Čovjek svojim nekontroliranim i neodgovornim ponašanjem proizvodi najveću količinu otpada koji može štetno utjecati na život i zdravlje ljudi. Jednako tako na taj način nastaju i velike količine opasnog otpada. U ovom završnom radu obrađen je način gospodarenja opasnim otpadom, definicija opasnog otpada i svojstva opasnog otpada, prijevoz opasnog otpada te način odlaganja opasnog otpada. Suvremeno gospodarenje otpadom je skup aktivnosti, odluka i mjera koje su usmjerene na sprečavanje nastanka otpada, smanjivanje nastalih količina otpada i mogućeg štetnog utjecaja na okoliš. Zakonom o gospodarenju otpadom koji je temeljen na direktivama Europske Unije propisana je nadležnost i obveze u gospodarenju otpadom s ciljem cirkulaner ekonomije što vodi do učinkovitog gospodarenja otpadom. Svaka kategorija opasnog otpada se obrađuje na različiti način, a obrada se sastoji od nekoliko metoda: fizikalne metode, kemijske metode, biološke metode i termičke metode. U ovom radu obrađen je radioaktivni otpad, medicinski otpad, otpad koji sadrži azbest, otpadna ulja i maziva, poliklorirani bifenili (PCB), otpadne baterije i akumulatori i električni i elektronički otpad kao posebne kategorije opasnog otpada. |
Abstract (english) | This this final paper deals with waste management based on the current situation in the Republic of Croatia and good world practice. In the present time of human civilization, large amounts of waste are generated daily in the world as well as in the Republic of Croatia due to urbanization, development of technology and increase of human population. Man’s uncontrolled and irresponsible behavior, produces the largest amounts of waste that can adversely affect human life and health, material goods and environmental protection. In the same way, large quantities of hazardous waste are generated. In this final paper, the method of hazardous waste management, the definition of hazardous waste and the properties of hazardous waste, the transport of hazardous waste and the method of hazardous waste disposal are discussed. Modern waste management is a set of activities, decisions and measures aimed at preventing waste generation, reducing the amount of waste generated and possible harmful effects on the environment. The Law on Waste Management, which is based on the directives of the European Union, prescribes the competence and obligations in waste management with the aim of circulating the economy, which leads to efficient waste management. Each category of hazardous waste is treated in a different way, and the treatment consists of several methods: physical methods, chemical methods, biological methods and thermal methods. This paper deals with radioactive waste, medical waste, waste containing asbestos, waste oils and lubricants, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), waste batteries and accumulators and electrical and electronic waste as a special categories of hazardous waste. |