Abstract | Teški metali, visoko toksični kemijski elementi, prirodno se javljaju u zemlji, ali i nastaju kao posljedica ljudskih aktivnosti. Njihova prisutnost u okolišu predstavlja ozbiljan problem za okoliš i zdravlje ljudi. Putovi unosa teških metala u okoliš uključuju industrijsko onečišćenje, otpad, rudarstvo, promet, poljoprivredu te unos kroz hranu, vodu i zrak. Oni se akumuliraju u tlu, vodi i biljkama te štetno djeluju na ekosustave i lanac prehrane. Izloženost teškim metalima može uzrokovati neurološka oštećenja, karcinogene učinke, reproduktivne poremećaje i oštećenja organa i sustava kod ljudi. Mjere za smanjenje utjecaja teških metala uključuju regulacije i zakonodavstvo, filtriranje vode i zraka, recikliranje i učinkovito zbrinjavanje otpada, kontrolu poljoprivrednih aktivnosti, monitoring teških metala u okolišu i testiranje ljudi te sigurne postupke rukovanja i odlaganja. Analizom utjecaja teških metala na određeno područje identificiraju se visoke razine kontaminacije i provode mjere za smanjenje utjecaja na lokalnoj razini. Razumijevanje utjecaja teških metala na okoliš i zdravlje ljudi ključno je za razvoj održivih strategija zaštite. Primjena adekvatnih mjera za smanjenje kontaminacije teškim metalima, kontrola izvora onečišćenja, poboljšanje infrastrukture za zbrinjavanje otpada i edukacija javnosti o rizicima povezanim s teškim metalima su od iznimne važnosti. Suradnjom vlada, industrije, znanstvenika i građana moguće je ostvariti napredak u zaštiti okoliša i osigurati zdraviju budućnost za sve. Cilj završnog rada je analizirati definiciju, karakteristike i izvore teških metala te istaknuti njihovu štetnost za okoliš, ekosustave i zdravlje. Također, cilj je naglasiti potrebu za primjenom održivih pristupa u industriji i svakodnevnim aktivnostima. |
Abstract (english) | Heavy metals, highly toxic chemical elements, occur naturally in the earth, but also arise as a result of human activities. Their presence in the environment represents a serious problem for the environment and human health. Pathways of heavy metal entry into the environment include industrial pollution, waste, mining, transport, agriculture and intake through food, water and air. They accumulate in soil, water and plants and have a harmful effect on ecosystems and the food chain. Exposure to heavy metals can cause neurological damage, carcinogenic effects, reproductive disorders and organ and system damage in humans. Measures to reduce the impact of heavy metals include regulations and legislation, water and air filtration, recycling and efficient waste disposal, control of agricultural activities, monitoring of heavy metals in the environment and human testing, and safe handling and disposal procedures. By analyzing the impact of heavy metals on a specific area, high levels of contamination are identified and measures are implemented to reduce the impact at the local level. Understanding the impact of heavy metals on the environment and human health is essential for the development of sustainable protection strategies. Application of adequate measures to reduce contamination with heavy metals, control of pollution sources, improvement of infrastructure for waste disposal and education of the public about the risks associated with heavy metals are extremely important. With the cooperation of governments, industry, scientists and citizens, it is possible to achieve progress in environmental protection and ensure a healthier future for everyone. The aim of the final paper is to analyze the definition, characteristics and sources of heavy metals and highlight their harmfulness for the environment, ecosystems and health. Also, the goal is to emphasize the need to apply sustainable approaches in industry and daily activities. |