Author Sanja Kotur
Mentor Draženka Birkić (mentor)
Committee member Silvija Vitner Marković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mateja Petračić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Draženka Birkić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Natalija Kusanić Belinić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Karlovac University of Applied Sciences (Business Department) (Specialist Graduate Study of Business Administration (Master of Business Administration) - Part-time study) Karlovac
Defense date and country 2021-02-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Promjene u društvu, napredak znanja i tehnologije u sustavu visokog obrazovanja dovele su do toga da institucije visokog obrazovanja moraju više pozornosti posvetiti svojim studentima, odnosno njihovoj percepciji kvalitete obrazovanja. Privlačenje studenata, njihovo zadržavanje te osiguravanje njihova zadovoljstva temelj je održivog uspjeha visokoškolskih ustanova. Stoga je ovaj rad usredotočen na istraživanje kvalitete percepcije studenata o kvaliteti usluge na primjeru Veleučilištu u Karlovcu. Kvaliteta visokog obrazovanja dinamična je kategorija u čijoj biti se nalazi težnja k stalnom unapređenju svih procesa i njihovih ishoda. Obrazovanje je “spiritus movens” razvoja cjelokupnog društva, kotač zamašnjak koji pokreće razvoj gospodarstva svake zemlje i predstavlja oslonac ostvarenja uspješne karijere svakog pojedinca (AZVO, 2012.). Osiguravanje kvalitete ima ključnu ulogu podrške visokoobrazovnim sustavima i visokim učilištima u prilagođavanju ovim promjenama, osiguravajući pritom da kvalifikacije studenata i iskustvo studiranja ostanu prioriteti institucionalnih misija. Glavna svrha ovog rada je istražiti kako studenti Veleučilišta u Karlovcu percipiraju kvalitetu obrazovanja. U metode i modele koji se najviše koriste za mjerenje kvalitete obrazovne usluge u visokoškolskom obrazovanju svakako spada HEdPERF (mjerni instrument kvalitete usluga isključivo za visokoškolsko obrazovanje) (Štimac, 2012:129). Za potrebe izrade ovog rada korišten je model HEdPERF instrumentarij.Na temelju SERVPERF instrumenta, Firdaus je razvio instrument za mjerenje kvalitete usluge u visoko obrazovnom kontekstu, nazvan HEdPERF. Instrument uključuje 41 stavku i pet dimenzija kvalitete: ne-akademsku dimenziju, akademsku dimenziju, reputaciju visoko obrazovne institucije, dostupnost i studijske programe. Prednosti HEdPERF instrumentarija.su u tome da je dizajniran za visokoškolske ustanove te se može upotrijebiti za kvalitativno i kvantitativno mjerenje varijabli (Firduas, 2006b). Rezultati ovog istraživanja prezentirani u radu temelje se a istraživanju o percepciji kvalitete studenata Veleučilišta u Karlovcu, a drugi dio istraživanja odnosi se na ocjenu trenutnog stanja kvalitete obrazovanja na Veleučilištu u Karlovcu. Rezultati su ukazali na .to da su studenti zadovoljni razinom znanja i II kvalitetom obrazovanja, no isto tako rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to da ima mjesta za poboljšanje kvalitete obrazovanja.
Abstract (english) Changes in society, the progress of knowledge, and technology in the higher education system have led to higher education institutions to pay more attention to their students or their perception of education quality. Attracting students, maintaining them, and ensuring their satisfaction is the basis for the sustainable success of higher education institutions. Therefore, this final paper focuses on research about the student's perception of the quality of service in the example of University Karlovac. The quality of higher education is a dynamic category, in which there is a tendency to constant improvements for all processes and their outcomes. It is a „spiritis movens“ of the development of the entire society, the wheel of a flywheel that moves the development of the economy of each country and represents the backbone of the achievement of the successful career of each individual (ASOO, 2017). Quality assurance plays a key role in supporting higher education systems and higher education institutions in adapting these changes, while ensuring that student's qualifications and study remain priority of institutional missions. The main purpose of this final paper is to research how the students of University Karlovac perceive education quality. The methods and models most used to measure the education service's quality in higher education belong to HEdPERF (measuring instrument for service quality exclusively for university education) (Štimac, 2012:129). For the purpose of producing this, the model HEdPERF instrumentation has been used. Firdaus has developed an instrument to measure the quality of service in higher educational context, called HEdPERF. The instrument includes 41 and five quality dimensions: academic dimension, the reputation of highly education institutions, accessibility and study programs.The advantages of the HEdPERF instruments are that, are designed for higher education institutions and can be used for qualitative and quantitative measurement of variables. The study was based on the study of the quality perception of the students at the University Karlovac, and the second part of the survey related to the assessment of the current state of quality of education at the University Karlovac. The results showed that students are statisfied with the level of academic staff's knowledge and quality of work, also III the results of research indicate that there is enough space for improving of education' quality.
kvaliteta obrazovanja
percepcija kvalitete obrazovanja
HEdPERF instrumentarij.
Keywords (english)
quality education's perception
HEdPERF instrumentary
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:128:448178
Study programme Title: Business Administration Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica poslovnog upravljanja (stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica poslovnog upravljanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-03-22 11:30:48