Abstract | Predmet ovog završnog rada su stambeni krediti kao dio aktivnih bankovnih poslova. U prvom dijelu rada navedene su temeljne odrednice bankovnog sustava te su prikazane i objašnjene vrste aktivnih bankovnih poslova. Aktivni poslovi banaka obuhvaćaju sve poslove u kojima se banka javlja kao davatelj kredita. Oni imaju golemu važnost za gospodarstvo jer banka bez aktivnih poslova nije banka. U aktivne bankovne poslove spadaju kratkoročni kredit, eskont, lombard, kredit po tekućem računu, akceptni kredit, potrošački kredit, stambeni kredit, hipotekarni kredit, dugoročni kredit i drugi. Kreditni poslovi predstavljaju glavni izvor prihoda banaka i glavni su čimbenici u određivanju njenoga mjesta u gospodarstvu.
U aplikativnom dijelu je provedena komparativna analiza stambenih kredita na primjeru Privredne banke Zagreb, OTP Banke te Zagrebačke banke. Kod analize su uzeti kriteriji iznosa stambenog kredita, rokova otplate stambenog kredita, kamatne stope za stambene kredite te instrumenata osiguranja povrata kredita. Na temelju provedene analize došlo se do zaključka da najpovoljnije uvjete stambenog kreditiranja ima Privredna banka Zagreb. Maksimalno zadovoljeni svi aspekti poslovanja u usporedbi s ostale dvije banke pokazuju ravnotežu i stabilnost u poslovanju. Može se zaključiti da ako se takav trend nastavi, Privredna banka Zagreb će i u budućnosti bilježiti pozitivno kretanje poslovanja i s time još više učvrstiti svoju poziciju lidera na tržištu. |
Abstract (english) | The subject of this final thesis are housing loans as part of active banking operations. In the first part of the thesis, the fundamental determinants of the banking system are listed, and the types of active banking operations are shown and explained. Active banking operations include all activities in which the bank present itself as the loan provider. They have enormous importance for the economy because the bank without the active operations is not a bank. Active banking operations include short-term loan, discount, lombard loan, loan on the current account, documentary credit, loan reimbursement, consumer credit, housing loan, mortgage loan, long-term loan and others. Credit operations represent major source of income for banks and they are the main factors ofits own position assessmentin the economy.
Through the application part of the thesis, the comparative analysis of housing loans is conducted, in the case of the Privredna banka Zagreb, OTP Bank and Zagrebacka banka. During the analysis, the following criteria were taken: housing loan amount, repayment period of housing loan, interest rates for housing loans and obtaining collateral. Based on the conducted analysis it was concluded that the most favorable conditions of housing loans exists in the case of Privredna banka Zagreb. All of the management aspects are fully met, in the comparison with other two banks, and that represents balance and stability in the business. Therefore, it can be concluded that, if such a trend continues, Privredna banka Zagreb will continue with its positive business development and, thus,it will further strengthen its leading position in the market. |