Abstract | Med je sladak, gust i viskozan proizvod karakteristiĉnog okusa i mirisa. Proizvode ga medonosne pĉele iz nektara i medljike. Na kvalitetu meda utjeĉu botaniĉko i geografsko podrijetlo, okolišni uvjeti, podrijetlo pĉela, naĉin prerade i uvjeti skladištenja. Pomoću navedenih parametara moţe se ustanoviti zrelost i svjeţina meda, duljina termiĉke obrade, duljina skladištenja, te je li med patvoren. U istraţivanju provedenom na 28 uzoraka bagremovog meda odreĊivani su neki od fizikalno-kemijskih parametara koji daju uvid u kvalitetu meda: udio prolina i 5-hidroksimetilfurfuraldehida (HMF) te aktivnost invertaze. Udio prolina kretao se u rasponu od 44,6 do 427,2 mg/kg, udio HMF-a od 0,8 do 17,9 mg/kg i aktivnost invertaze od 2,1 do 16,3 IN. Koliĉina prolina je u 16 od 28 uzoraka manja od koliĉine utvrĊene zahtjevima Codex Alimentarius-a što ukazuje kako je rijeĉ o vrsti meda s prirodno niskim udjelom prolina. Pošto su koliĉine HMF-a i aktivnosti invertaze u skladu sa zahtjevima Pravilnika i CAC-a, moţe se zakljuĉiti kako je med bio dobre kakvoće, svjeţine i nije bio dugo skladišten. |
Abstract (english) | Honey is sweet, highly concentrated and viscous product with characteristic flavour and aroma. It is produced by honeybees from the nectar and the honeydew. Botanical and geographical origin, environmental conditions, the origin of bees, the method of processing and storage conditions influence the honey quality. Using this parameters maturity as honey freshness, heat treatment lenght, storage lenght and honey adulteration can be determinated. In this study, on 28 samples of acacia honey, some physical-chemical parameters that affect the quality of honey (the amount of proline, the proportion of 5-hydroxymethylfurfualdehide (HMF) and invertase activity) were determinated. The amount of proline ranged from 44,6 to 427,2 mg/kg, HMF share from 0,8 to 17,9 mg/kg and the activity of invertase from 2,1 to 16,3 IN. The amount of proline in 16 of 28 samples is less than the amount specified in requirements of the Codex Alimentarius Commission what indicates that it is a type of honey with a naturally low proline. Since the activity of invertase and HMF are in accordance with the requirements of the Ordinance and the CAC, it can be concluded that honey had good quality, freshness and has not been long stored. |