Author Nenad Bonacin
Mentor Marin Kundić (mentor)
Committee member Maja Vidović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Lidija Jakšić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marin Kundić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Natalija Kusanić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Karlovac University of Applied Sciences (The Department of Safety and Protection) Karlovac
Defense date and country 2020-11-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Basic Technical Sciences
Abstract Suvremeno društvo je karakteristično po ubrzanom načinu života, koji za sobom vuče sve veću potrebu za razvitkom tehnologije. Tehnologija kao takva nam omogućava lagodniji život u svakom njegovom aspektu, budući da je važan akter svega što okružuje današnjeg suvremenog čovjeka. Bilo da se radi o medicini, gospodarstvu, poljoprivredi, pa čak i o raznim hobijima i razonodama, tehnologija svakim danom naše društvo diže na viši nivo. Naravno, to sa sobom vuče i neke negativne posljedice, koje mi
... More kao društvo imamo obvezu riješiti, jer smatram da je to danak koji trebamo platiti zato što koristimo sve blagodati današnjeg razvijenog svijeta. Sadržaj problematike ovog rada sadržan je u izreci: „otpad nije smeće“. Bilo da se radi o mikro razini poput domaćinstva ili makro razini poput tvrtke, svi smo odgovorni za otpad koji stvaramo i njegovo zbrinjavanje. Jer upravo cjelokupna priroda, vode, biljke i životinje, svaki dan se sve više guše pod zagađenjem, te tako radi našeg nemara plaćaju danak umjesto nas. Zadaća svakog živućeg pojedinca je da to što brže i efikasnije spriječimo. Nužno je da svaka fizička i pravna osoba koja se bavi sakupljanjem, prijevozom, obradom, te reciklažom otpada to obavlja savjesno i po određenim pravilima. Ja sam se u svom radu osvrnuo na Centar za reciklažu CE-ZA-R d.o.o. i kroz taj primjer predočio na koji način se danas obavljaju djelatnosti vezane za otpad, te kojim aktima su ti postupci uređeni. Trgovačko društvo CE-ZA-R d.o.o. u svom radu postupa po zakonskim aktima Republike Hrvatske, a posebice po Pravilniku o gospodarenju otpadnim vozilima. Također, CE-ZA-R d.o.o. prati i određene interne akte, odnosno Radne upute kao što su Uputa za postupanje u slučaju požara, te Uputa o kontroli radioaktivnosti. Na samom kraju rada, prikazao sam primjer iz prakse, odnosno požara koji se dogodio u navedenom Centru za reciklažu CE-ZA-R d.o.o., jer kako to inače biva u svakodnevnom životu, nebitno je koliko je nešto isplanirano, u ovom slučaju čak uređeno i zakonskim aktima Republike Hrvatske, ukoliko ne obratimo maksimalnu pažnju na posao koji obavljamo. Less
Abstract (english) Modern society is characterized by an accelerated life, which entails increasing need for the development of technology. Technology as such allows us an easier life in every aspect, which has been an important actor in everything that surrounds today’s modern man. Whether it is about medicine, the economy, agriculture and even various hobbies and pastimes, technology is raising our society to a higher level every day. Of course, this entails some negative consequences, which we as a society
... More have an obligation to address, because I believe that this is a tax that we need to pay for using all the benefits of today's developed world. The content of the problems of this paper is contained in the saying: "waste is not a garbage". Whether it is a micro level like a household or a macro level like a company, we are all responsible for the waste we generate and its disposal. Because the whole of nature, water, plants and animals, are suffocating more and more every day under pollution, and so, due to our negligence, they pay tribute instead of us. It is the task of every living individual to prevent this as quickly and efficiently as possible. It is necessary that every natural and legal person engaged in the collection, transport, treatment, and recycling of waste does so conscientiously and according to certain rules. In my work, I referred to the Recycling Center CE-ZA-R d.o.o. and through this example I presented how waste-related activities are performed today, and by which acts these procedures are regulated. CE-ZA-R d.o.o. works in accordance with the legal acts of the Republic of Croatia, and in particular in accordance with the Ordinance on waste vehicle management. Also, the company CE-ZA-R d.o.o. works in accordance with certain internal acts, ie Work Instructions such as the Instructions for action in case of fire and the Instructions on radioactivity control. At the very end of the paper, I presented an example from practice, ie the fire that occurred in the said company CE-ZA-R d.o.o, because as it usually happens in everyday life, it does not matter how much something is planned, in this case even regulated by the law of the Republic of Croatia, if we do not pay maximum attention to the work we do. Less
otpadna vozila
gospodarenje otpadom
zaštita od požara
radna uputa
Centar za reciklažu CE-ZA-R d.o.o.
Keywords (english)
waste vehicles
waste management
fire protection
work instructions
Recycling Center CE-ZA-R d.o.o.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:128:145913
Study programme Title: Security and Protection Studies Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka sigurnosti i zaštite (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka sigurnosti i zaštite)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-02-03 09:28:52