Author Ivica Sikra
Mentor Đorđi Todorovski (mentor)
Committee member Zvonimir Matusinović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Snježana Kirin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Đorđi Todorovski (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Natalija Kusanić Belinić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Karlovac University of Applied Sciences (The Department of Safety and Protection) (Specialist Graduate Study of Safety and Protection - Part-time study) Karlovac
Defense date and country 2020-09-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Basic Technical Sciences
Abstract U svakom trenutku negdje na Zemlji bijesne šumski požari. Vatra je prirodna sila, a mi smo, na težak način naučili da će, ako ju pokušamo obuzdati, situacija biti još gora. Problem je u tome što smo unazad stotinjak godina prihvatili svjetonazor da odmah gasimo svaki požar. To je dovelo do kumulativnog učinka, i biljni materijal i eko sustav su se počeli povećavati. Gledamo li na vatru globalno, ona je poput obrnute fotosinteze, oslobađa silnu energiju u obliku svjetlosti i topline, a često zaboravljamo koliko su požari važni za mnoge šumske ekosustave. Požari su dio zemljinog prirodnog ciklusa uništenja i obnavljanja, te nemilosrdni donositelji promjena o kojima ovisi život. Nama nije problem vatra nego to što živimo na mjestima gdje postoje najveći izgledi za požar. I u našoj zemlji, gdje je zastupljena mediteranska klima, konstantna je vjerojatnost za stalnu pojavu šumskih požara. Svjedoci smo da su se požari dešavali, da se dešavaju ali da će se sigurno i u skorijoj budućnosti i dalje pojavljivati zato što ih na takvim područjima i treba biti, a sve u režiji prirode. Na nama je samo da učinimo sve što možemo kako bi ih obuzdali. Promjenom, prije svega, klimatskih uvjeta, a zatim i vegetacije koja je prisutna u Republici Hrvatskoj, u proteklim godinama svjedočili smo katastrofalnim požarima raslinja, od koji su neki gotovo dotakli urbane dijelove velikih gradova i tako ugrozili stanovnike i njihovu imovinu. Baš takva vrsta požara predmet su ovog rada i proučava na koji način struka traži ali i daje odgovore, kroz sinergiju zračnih snaga, zemaljskih snaga te opreme koja je namijenjena za takvu vrstu požara. Ovaj rad daje i odgovor, zadovoljava li sadašnja flota zračnih snaga za gašenje požara željene rezultate te kako ovu snagu pripremiti za buduće ugroze koje će sigurno biti još zahtjevnije i izazovnije
Abstract (english) At any moment somewhere on Earth, forest fires are raging. Fire is a natural force, and we have learned the hard way that if we try to contain it, the situation will be worse. The problem is that for the last hundred years or so, we have adopted a worldview to extinguish any fire immediately. This led to a cumulative effect, with both plant material and the ecosystem beginning to increase. Looking at fire globally, it is like reverse photosynthesis, releasing enormous energy in the form of light and heat, and we often forget how important fires are for many forest ecosystems. Fires are part of the earth's natural cycle of destruction and renewal, and the relentless life-changing agents of change. It's not a fire problem for us, it's that we live in the places where there is the greatest chance of fire. In our country, where the Mediterranean climate is represented, there is a constant probability of constant occurrence of forest fires. We are witnessing that fires have been happening, that they are happening, but that they will surely continue to occur in the near future for the reason that there should be them in such areas, all directed by nature. It is up to us to do everything we can to contain them. Changing, first of all, the climatic conditions and then the vegetation that is present in the Republic of Croatia, in recent years we have witnessed catastrophic fires of vegetation, some of which almost touched the urban parts of big cities and thus endangered the inhabitants and their goods. This type of fire is the subject of this paper and examines how the profession seeks but also provides answers, through the synergy of air forces, ground forces, and equipment designed for that type of fire. This paper also provides an answer as the current fleet of firefighting forces meets desired results and how to prepare this force for future threats that will surely be even more demanding and challenging.
požar raslinja
zračne snage
Keywords (english)
forest fire
air force
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:128:252277
Study programme Title: Safety and Protection Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica inženjer/inženjerka sigurnosti i zaštite (stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica inženjer/inženjerka sigurnosti i zaštite)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-03-18 14:28:03