Author Goran Brlić
Mentor Robert Hranilović (mentor)
Committee member Lidija Jakšić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Ožura (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Robert Hranilović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Barica Jurković (član povjerenstva)
Granter Karlovac University of Applied Sciences (The Department of Safety and Protection) Karlovac
Defense date and country 2024-05-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Basic Technical Sciences
Abstract Poznato je da su poslovi koje obavljaju vatrogasci vrlo rizični. U svijetu se spoznalo da su u velikom postotku uzroci stradavanja i pogibije vatrogasaca neke od vrsta plamenih udara. Kako bi se smanjilo stradanje vatrogasaca došlo se do ideje za simuliranje požara i plamenih udara i njihovo promatranje i suzbijanje u sigurnim uvjetima, kako bi vatrogasci naučeno mogli primijeniti na intervencijama u stvarnim požarima. U Švedskoj su se za simulacije počeli primjenjivati čelični brodski kontejneri. Uvidjelo se da se u njima postižu značajni rezultati i taj oblik treninga sve se više počeo unaprjeđivati i provoditi. Istaknute su mjere zaštite koje se moraju provoditi i odabrani su najbolji oblici simulatora. Razvile su se i specijalizirane tvrtke koje provode takva uvježbavanja. Postoje i podaci o stradanjima vatrogasaca u ovim simulatorima, ali se daljnjim istraživanjima zaključilo da se u tim simulatorima nisu provodile mjere zaštite i da se nisu osigurali sigurni uvjeti. Ovakvi treninzi su se uz pomoć švedskih vatrogasaca počeli provoditi i u Sloveniji. Vatrogasci koji su prošli ovakav trening tvrde da se sada osjećaju sigurnije na intervencijama i da imaju više samopouzdanja. U slučajevima ekstremnih oblika ponašanja požara, u što spadaju i plameni udari , vatrogasac bez iskustva s plamenim udarima je u vrlo teškoj situaciji. Postoji velika mogućnost pogibije, ozljeđivanja ili neuspješnog odrađivanja same intervencije. Svrha simulatora plamenih udara nije „proizvodnja“ flashovera i mučenje vatrogasaca u uvjetima visokih temperatura, već je svrha upoznati neprijatelja i shvatiti ponašanje požara u prostoru. Vatrogasac u simulatoru može na siguran način, u uvjetima najsličnijima onima na intervenciji, sa svom zaštitnom opremom koju koristi, s radnim kolegama, i s mlaznicom koju uporablja, upoznati tog požarnog neprijatelja.
Abstract (english) It is known that the jobs performed by firefighters are very risky. It has become known throughout the world that a large percentage of firemen who died were caused by some type of flame shock. In order to reduce the suffering of firefighters, ideas were developed for simulating fires and flaming shocks and observing and suppressing them in safe conditions so that firefighters could apply what they learned to interventions in real fires. In Sweden, steel shipping containers began to be used for simulations. It was seen that significant results were achieved in them, and this form of training began to be improved and implemented more and more. The protective measures that must be implemented are highlighted and the best forms of simulators are selected. Specialized companies that conduct such trainings have also developed. There are also data on the casualties of firefighters in these simulators, but further research revealed that no protective measures were implemented in these simulators and safe conditions were not ensured. These types of trainings, with the help of firefighters from Sweden, started to be conducted in neighboring Slovenia as well. Firefighters who have undergone this type of training claim that they now feel safer during interventions and that they are more confident in themselves. In cases of extreme forms of fire behavior, which include flame bursts, a firefighter without experience with flame bursts is in a very difficult situation. There is a high possibility of death, injury or unsuccessful performance of the intervention itself. The purpose of the flame shock simulator is not to "produce" flashovers and torture firefighters in conditions of high temperatures, but to get to know the enemy and understand the behavior of fires in space. The firefighter in the simulator can meet the fire enemy in a safe way, in the conditions closest to possible intervention, with the protective equipment he uses, with the colleagues he works with, with the nozzle he uses.
plameni udar
Keywords (english)
flame attack
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:128:389712
Study programme Title: Security and Protection Studies Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka sigurnosti i zaštite (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka sigurnosti i zaštite)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-06-04 11:27:18