Sažetak | Rad analizira utjecaj pandemije bolesti COVID-19 na turizam grada Dubrovnika s ciljem
da se ustanovi kako je pandemijska kriza utjecala na turizam odabrane destinacije,
prvenstveno na ekonomske pokazatelje, odnosno broj gostiju i noćenja. Analiziraju se
sljedeće godine: 2019. kao pretpandemijska godina, te 2020., kada je pandemija započela, i
potom 2021. i 2022. godina (kraj pandemije proglašen je u svibnju 2023.). Pandemija ja
uzrokovala stagnaciju gospodarskih aktivnosti, a jedan od najteže pogođenih sektora bio je
turizam. U Dubrovniku je pad turističkih kretanja prve pandemijske godine, 2020., iznosio
85 posto u dolascima i 87 posto u noćenjima u odnosu na 2019. godinu. Te iste godine
mijenja se i struktura gostiju koji posjećuju Dubrovnik, pa su domaći turisti došli na prvo
mjestu ljestvice najbrojnijih turista, dok su inače najbrojniji turisti, oni iz Velike Britanije i
SAD, bili na drugom, odnosno šestom mjestu. Veliki pad turističkih dolazaka i noćenja i
drastična promjena u strukturi gostiju koji su se dogodili u Dubrovniku 2020. kao izravne
posljedice pandemijske krize najvećim su dijelom uzrokovani time što je Dubrovnik
prvenstveno aviodestinacija, a zračni promet je od svih oblika prometa bio najviše pogođen
pandemijskim restrikcijama. Nakon velikog pada 2020., u 2021. počinje oporavak turizma
koji se nastavlja 2022. i 2023. godine. No, ostaje problem masovnosti turizma u Dubrovniku
koji stvara veliki pritisak na grad, posebno na staru gradsku jezgru, i iznimno je neodrživ.
Pandemija je taj problem učinila vidljivijim, no postoji bojazan da bi pandemijska kriza
mogla dodatno pojačati orijentiranost na masovni turizam zbog gubitaka koje je ta ista kriza
prouzročila. Ostaje za nadati se da to ipak neće biti tako te da će gradska uprava, turistička
zajednica grada i druge nadležne institucije, a i sami građani, što prije krenuti u smjeru
održivog razvoja turizma u Dubrovniku. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The paper analyzes the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the tourism of the city of
Dubrovnik with the aim of establishing how the pandemic crisis affected the tourism of the
chosen destination, primarily economic indicators (the number of guests and overnight
stays). The following years are analyzed: 2019 as a pre-pandemic year, and 2020, when the
pandemic began, and then 2021 and 2022 (the end of the pandemic was declared in May
2023). The pandemic itself caused the stagnation of economic activities, and one of the
hardest hit sectors was tourism. In Dubrovnik, the drop in tourist numbers in the first
pandemic year, 2020, amounted to 85 percent in arrivals and 87 percent in overnight stays
compared to 2019. In the same year, the structure of guests visiting Dubrovnik changed, so
domestic tourists came in first place in the ranking of the most numerous tourists, while the
previously most numerous tourists, those from United Kingdom and the USA, were in
second and sixth place. The large drop in tourist arrivals and overnight stays and the drastic
change in the structure of guests that took place in Dubrovnik in 2020 as a direct result of
the pandemic crisis were largely caused by the fact that Dubrovnik is mostly visited by
plane, and air traffic was the most affected by the pandemic restrictions. After the big drop
in 2020, the recovery of tourism begins in 2021 and continues in 2022 (and 2023). However,
the problem of mass tourism in Dubrovnik remains, which creates great pressure on the city,
especially on the old city centre, and is extremely unsustainable. The pandemic has made
this problem more visible, but there is a fear that the pandemic crisis could further strengthen
the orientation towards mass tourism due to the losses pandemic crisis has caused. There
remains hope that this will not be the case and that the city administration, the city's tourist
board and other relevant institutions, and the citizens themselves, will move in the direction
of sustainable tourism development in Dubrovnik as soon as possible. |