Sažetak | Putovanja su oduvijek bila samo za one više platežne moći, koji su si to mogli priuštiti, te za one koji su imali vremena odlutati od svojih domicila i priuštiti si nova iskustva. Sa pojavom modernijih doba dolazimo do pravog procvata turizma izgradnjom i otvaranjem hotela, apartmana i odmarališta sa odgovarajućom infrastrukturom. Hrvatska postaje prava turistička zemlja sa svojom raznolikom ponudom. Turizam koji susrećemo danas je postao fenomen, te su putovanja dostupna svim slojevima društva. Pojavom masovnog turizma, turisti se osjećaju otuđeno, te je nužan slijed razvoja specifičnih oblika turizma, kako bi ciljane skupine turista mogle zadovoljiti svoje potrebe. Kamping turizam jedan je od specifičnih oblika turizma kojega označuje povratak prirodi, opuštena atmosfera, multikulturalnost, maksimalne prirodne atrakcije te je cjenovno prihvatljiv oblik boravka . Od svoje pojave kamping turizam je nudio samo boravak u prirodi sa svojim smještajem, koji je najčeće bio šator, no danas ipak kampovi uz svoju standardnu ponudu imaju u ponudi i otmjen i glamurozan odmor u bungalovima, mobilnim kućicama i glamping šatorima uz dodatnu jaku ponudu koja još više krasi ovaj, na prvi pogled jednostavni oblik turizma. Kampova je danas puno, te nude šarenu ponudu sa svojim dopunskim sadržajima, animacijama, sportskim natjecanjima, radionicama, gastronomijom te wellness ponudom. Kampovi se stoga mogu podijeliti u više vrsta a najluksuzniji je glamping turizam koji prilači elitni dio turista te čini jednu skroz novu i jedinstvenu ponudu. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Traveling has always been only for those with higher paying power, who could afford it, and for those who had time to wander away from their homes and afford new experiences. With the advent of more modern times, we come to a true flourishing of tourism with the construction and opening of hotels, apartments and resorts with appropriate infrastructure. Croatia is becoming a real tourist country with its diverse offer. Tourism that we encounter today has become a phenomenon, and trips are available to all levels of society. With the advent of mass tourism, tourists feel alienated, and a sequence of development of specific forms of tourism is necessary, so that the target groups of tourists can satisfy their needs. Camping tourism is one of the specific forms of tourism characterized by a return to nature, relaxed atmosphere, multiculturalism, maximum natural attractions and is an affordable form of vacation. Since its inception, camping tourism has offered only a stay in nature with its accommodation, which was most often a tent, but today, in addition to its standard offer, camps also offer a classy and glamorous vacation in bungalows, mobile homes and glamping tents with an additional strong offer that this, at first glance, simple form of tourism is even more beautiful. There are a lot of camps today, and they offer a colorful offer with their supplementary content, animations, sports competitions, workshops, gastronomy and wellness offer. Camps can therefore be divided into several types, and the most luxurious is glamping tourism, which attracts the elite part of tourists and makes a completely new and unique offer. |