Author Nikola Dorosulić
Mentor Zvonimir Matusinović (mentor)
Committee member Lidija Jakšić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Ožura (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zvonimir Matusinović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Natalija Kusanić Belinić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Karlovac University of Applied Sciences (The Department of Safety and Protection) Karlovac
Defense date and country 2024-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Basic Technical Sciences
Abstract Rast tržišta fotonaponskih sustava u posljednjim godinama pokazuje značajnu ekspanziju, a očekuje se da će se taj trend nastaviti i u budućnosti. Ova tehnologija, koja omogućava pretvaranje sunčeve energije u električnu, postala je ključna komponenta globalnih napora za prelazak na održive izvore energije. Međutim, brzi rast ove industrije donosi sa sobom i nove izazove, posebno u kontekstu sigurnosti i regulative. Jedan od glavnih problema koji je izbio na površinu s masovnim uvođenjem fotonaponskih sustava je povećan rizik od požara. Iako su fotonaponski sustavi inherentno sigurni, njihova instalacija i integracija u postojeće građevinske strukture može povećati složenost intervencija u slučaju požara. Naime, tijekom nekih požara u svijetu, vatrogasci su bili prisiljeni suzdržavati se od aktivnog gašenja požara zbog prisutnosti opasnosti povezanih s fotonaponskim sustavima, te su se fokusirali na zaštitu okolnih objekata kako bi spriječili širenje vatre. Instalacija fotonaponskih sustava donosi nove izazove čak i u najrazvijenijim zemljama. Kada vatrogasci interveniraju na mjestima gdje su ovi sustavi instalirani, potrebno je poduzeti dodatne mjere zaštite u odnosu na standardne intervencije na objektima koji koriste električnu energiju iz javne mreže. To uključuje razumijevanje kako sustav funkcionira, gdje se nalaze ključne komponente i kako sigurno isključiti napajanje kako bi se minimizirale opasnosti. Analiza strane literature i stvarnih intervencija omogućava bolji uvid u dodatne opasnosti koje fotonaponski sustavi predstavljaju te koje mjere zaštite treba poduzeti. Ovo uključuje specifične tehničke smjernice, obuku vatrogasaca za rad u prisutnosti fotonaponskih sustava, te ažuriranje zakona i pravilnika kako bi se osigurala sigurnost kako instalacija, tako i intervencija u hitnim situacijama. Jasno je da, uz pravilnu regulativu i obuku, fotonaponski sustavi mogu biti sigurno integrirani u našu infrastrukturu, dok istovremeno doprinose ciljevima održivog razvoja i smanjenja emisije stakleničkih plinova.
Abstract (english) he growth of the photovoltaic systems market has shown significant expansion in recent years, and this trend is expected to continue in the future. This technology, which enables the conversion of solar energy into electricity, has become a key component of global efforts to transition to sustainable energy sources. However, the rapid growth of this industry brings with it new challenges, especially in the context of security and regulation. One of the main problems that has surfaced with the mass introduction of photovoltaic systems is the increased risk of fire. Although photovoltaic systems are inherently safe, their installation and integration into existing building structures can increase the complexity of fire interventions. Namely, during some fires in the world, firefighters were forced to refrain from actively extinguishing fires due to the presence of dangers associated with photovoltaic systems, and focused on protecting the surrounding buildings to prevent the fire from spreading. The installation of photovoltaic systems brings new challenges even in the most developed countries. When firefighters intervene in places where these systems are installed, it is necessary to take additional protection measures compared to standard interventions on facilities that use electricity from the public network. This includes understanding how the system works, where key components are located, and how to safely turn off power to minimize hazards. The analysis of foreign literature and actual interventions provides a better insight into the additional dangers that photovoltaic systems represent and what protective measures should be taken. This includes specific technical guidelines, training firefighters to work in the presence of photovoltaic systems, and updating laws and regulations to ensure the safety of both installations and emergency response. It is clear that, with proper regulation and training, PV systems can be safely integrated into our infrastructure, while simultaneously contributing to sustainable development and greenhouse gas reduction goals.
fotonaponski sustav
mjere zaštite
Keywords (english)
photovoltaic system
protection measures
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:128:451008
Study programme Title: Security and Protection Studies Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka sigurnosti i zaštite (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka sigurnosti i zaštite)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-11-05 14:20:54