Title (english) FIREFIGHTNING ON TS 110/10/10 kV DUBOVAC
Author Tin Butala
Mentor Filip Žugčić (mentor)
Committee member Marko Ožura (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Lidija Jakšić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Filip Žugčić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Natalija Kusanić Belinić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Karlovac University of Applied Sciences (The Department of Safety and Protection) Karlovac
Defense date and country 2022-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Basic Technical Sciences
Abstract Transformatorske stanice su dio sustava za prijenos električne energije, a zadatak im je transformacija napona sa više naponske razine na nižu ili obrnuto, uz prijenos snage uz minimalne gubitke. Potreba suvremenog društva za potrošnjom električne energije neprestano raste, a posljedično raste opasnost od nastanka požara i eksplozija na električnim postrojenjima, instalacijama i opremi. Požarne te eksplozivne opasnosti mogu nastati kao posljedica zastarjelosti uređaja i opreme, opterećenja, grmljavine i drugih vremenskih nepogoda, mehaničkog oštećenja instalacija uslijed prisutnosti raznih glodavaca i slično. Prilikom projektiranja objekta, izrađuje se i procjena ugroženosti od požara koja dalje smjernice za gašenje požara te protokole postupanja. Pravilan izbor i ugradnja sustava za detekciju i gašenje požara, uz adekvatna konstrukcijska i tehnološka rješenja protupožarne zaštite temelj su sigurnosti u slučaju nastanka požara, a zadatak je sustava da isti lokaliziraju i spriječe njegovo daljnje širenje u što kraćem vremenskom razdoblju. Ovaj rad donosi pregled požarnih i eksplozivnih opasnosti, potencijalnih kvarova te uzroka požara i eksplozija kao i specifičnosti procesa gašenja požara na TS Dubovac 110/10/10 kV, kao i potencijalnih propusta te unapređenja djelovanja u procesu gašenja požara na takvom objektu. Osobit je naglasak pri pisanju rada stavljen na stečeno iskustvo samog autora rada u djelatnosti gašenja požara na visokonaponskim objektima. Važno je naglasiti kako gašenje požara na trafostanicama uključuje uvijek suradnju te koordiniranu aktivnost vatrogasnih postrojbi te nadležne ispostave poduzeća HEP, Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova te pripadnika Državne uprave za zaštitu i spašavanje. Suradnja je važna za brzo te efikasno gašenje požara na takvim objektima, ali i spašavanje ljudskih života koje je neizostavan dio gotovo svake vatrogasne intervencije. Suradnja se temelji na postupanjima prema važećim zakonskim propisima te podzakonskim aktima na području Republike Hrvatske.
Abstract (english) Transformer stations are part of the power transmission system, and their task is to transform the voltage from a higher voltage level to a lower or vice versa. The need of modern society for electricity consumption is constantly growing, and consequently the risk of fires and explosions on electrical plants, installations and equipment is growing. Fire and explosive hazards can occur as a result of obsolescence of devices and equipment, loads, thunder and other weather disasters, mechanical damage to installations due to the presence of various rodents and the like. When designing the facility, a fire risk assessment is made, which further guidelines for firefighting and treatment protocols. Proper selection and installation of fire detection and extinguishing systems, with adequate construction and technological solutions for fire protection are the basis of safety in case of fire, and the task of the system is to localize and prevent its further spread in the shortest possible time. This paper provides an overview of fire and explosive hazards, potential failures and causes of fires and explosions as well as the specifics of the firefighting process at TS Dubovac 110/10/10 kV, as well as potential failures and improvements in the firefighting process at such facility. Particular emphasis in writing the paper is placed on the experience gained by the author of the work in the field of firefighting in high-voltage buildings. It is important to emphasize that firefighting at substations always includes cooperation and coordinated activity of fire brigades and the competent branch office of HEP, the Ministry of the Interior and members of the State Administration for Protection and Rescue. Cooperation is important for quick and efficient firefighting in such facilities, but also saving human lives, which is an integral part of almost every firefighting intervention. Cooperation is based on actions in accordance with applicable legal regulations and bylaws in the territory of the Republic of Croatia.
požarne opasnosti
eksplozivne opasnosti
gašenje požara
TS 110/10/10 kV Dubovac
vatrogasne intervencije.
Keywords (english)
transformer stations
fire hazards
explosive hazards
fire extinguishing
TS 110/10/10 kV Dubovac
firefighting interventions
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:128:096061
Study programme Title: Security and Protection Studies Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka sigurnosti i zaštite (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka sigurnosti i zaštite)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-11-24 13:22:36