Title Ispitivanje zavarenih spojeva metodama bez razaranja
Title (english) Testing welded joints with non-destructive methods
Author Marijan Sedlaček
Mentor Tihana Kostadin (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Božić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijan Brozović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tihana Kostadin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasna Sabljarić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Karlovac University of Applied Sciences (The Department of Mechanical Engineering) Karlovac
Defense date and country 2017-03-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering Production Mechanical Engineering
Abstract Kontrola zavarenih spojeva izrazito je bitna, jer su zavareni spojevi u vrlo širokoj uporabi u strojarstvu. Baš iz tih razloga, bitno je da zavar bude ispravan i da zadovoljava sve uvjete koje korisnici očekuju. Naravno, ništa nije idealno, tako ni zavareni spojevi, no bitno je ako postoje greške da se pronađu prije izlaska proizvoda u uporabu, pa se stoga provode ispitivanja u svrhu sprječavanja neželjenih pucanja zavara, ili slično. Zavareni spojevi mogu se ispitivati razornim (DT) i nerazornim metodama (NDT). U ovome završnome radu radit će se analiza ispitivanja zavarenih spojeva nerazornim metodama (NDT). NDT (Non – destructive testing) metode vrlo su cijenjene pošto imaju vrlo široku uporabu u praksi, za razne vrste površinskih i podpovršinskih grešaka, a uz to ne oštećuju ispitivani proizvod ili poluproizvod, odnosno, uporabom NDT metoda ispitivanjem se ne utječe na funkcionalnost ispitivanog objekta. Nerazorne metode (NDT) imaju još i naziv DEFEKTOSKOPIJA. Metodama bez razaranja proizvod se može pratiti od sirovine preko poluproizvoda, pa do konačnog gotovog proizvoda. Ispitivanja bez razaranja ( defektoskopska ispitivanja ) obično se provode s minimalno dvije NDT metode uz nadopunu ispitivanja s razaranjem ovisno o proizvodu koji se ispituje i karakteristikama koje je potrebno ispitati. Nerazorna ispitivanja provode se uz mnogo metoda. Metoda se odabire prema vrsti ispitivanog objekta, greški koju tražimo ili opremi za izvođenje ispitivanja. Ispitivanje zavarenih spojeva provodi se: Vizualnom metodom (VT), Magnetskom kontrolom (MT), Ultrazvučnom kontrolom (UT), Radiografskom kontrolom (RT) i Penetrantskom kontrolom (PT) koja je glavni predmet razmatranja ovog rada. Penetrantska kontrola (Penetrant testing) je jedna od ranih metoda kontrole bez razaranja i na svoj način je nastavak vizualne kontrole, jer se pogreške detektiraju golim okom ili uz pomoć mikroskopa. Penetrantska kontrola ima vrlo široku uporabu u praksi radi velikih mogućnosti i relativno niske cijene provođenja ispitivanja. Eksperimentalni dio ovoga rada opisuje provođenje ispitivanja zavarenog spoja penetrantskom kontrolom. Eksperimentalni dio obuhvaća pripremu ispitivanja,postupak ispitivanja,detektiranje grešaka, analizu i zaključak.
Abstract (english) Control of the welded compounds is pronouncedly substantially territory of technology because of the widespread use of welded compounds in engineering. For that reason, it is substantially that compound is correct and that satisfies all conditions users are expecting. Of course, nothing is perfect, neither are welded compounds, but it is substantially to notice deffects, if there are, before using products, therefore conducting tests are necessary in order to prevent unwanted weld cracking or similar. Welded compounds can be tested with destructive and non-destructive methods. In this final work will be made analysis tests of the welded compounds with non-destructive methods. Non – destructive methods are very appreciated because of their widespread use in praxis, for various kinds of surface and subsurface deffects, and besides that they do not damage tested product or semi product, actually, with using NDT methods of testing it is not affecting on functionality of the tested object. Non-destructive methods (NDT) are also named defectoscopy. NDT methods can follow the product of raw material through semi product, and to final product. Testing without destructing (defectoscopic testing) are usually conducting with two NDT methods minimal, with supplement of one destructing test depending on product to be tested and characteristics that are required to be tested. Non-destructing testing are conducting with plenty of methods. Method is selected according to type of tested objects, deffects we are looking for or equipment for conducting tests. Testing of welded compounds is conducting with: Visual method (VT), Magnetic control (MT), Ultrasonically control (UT), Radiographic control (RT) and Penetrant control (PT) which is the main case of consideration of this work. Penetrant testing (PT) is one of the early methods of control without destructing and on its way it is the extension od visual control because deffects are detected by eye, with microscope or similar. PT has very wide using in praxis because of many possibilities and relatively low cost of test conducting. Experimental part of this work describes test conducting of welded compound by penetrant control (PT). Experimental part includes test preparation, test procedure, deffect detecting, analysis and conclusion.
ispitivanja bez razaranja
penetrantska kontrola
Keywords (english)
Non - destructive methods
penetrant testing
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:128:388156
Study programme Title: Mechanical Engineering Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-07-11 09:02:47