Sažetak | Poduzetništvo nije samo jedna od najvažnijih grana gospodarstva već i stil života
osobe koja se bavi poduzetništvom. Poduzetništvo pruža velike mogućnosti ali od
poduzetnika traži različite osobine koje nema svatko. Stvoriti nešto novo nije lako, a još
uz to biti financijski uspješan treba znati. Poduzetnik je vrlo inteligentna, inovativna,
organizirana i odgovorna osoba koja ima sposobnost planirati, svoju ideju pretvoriti u
poduzetnički pothvat, preuzimajući rizike, stvoriti novu vrijednost, biti korak ispred
konkurencije uz svijest o potrebama i željama kupaca. Mora vrlo dobro „izvagati“ koliki
rizik preuzima u odnosu na predviđenu dobit, koliko izlaže sebe i svoju obitelj
mogućnosti financijskog neuspjeha, odnosno koju dobrobit stvara uspješnim poslovnim
projektom za sebe, svoju obitelj ali i zajednicu te društvo u cjelini. Poduzetništvo je
izazov, a uz klimatske promjene, OPG je još veći izazov. To je bio poticaj za pisanje
ovog poduzetničkog projekta.
Život u okolici grada, u prirodi, bavljenje poljoprivredom, stjecanjem iskustva
uzgajajući različite kulture, sagledavajući stanje tržišta, odabir je pao na proizvodnju
češnjaka. Zato je glavna tema ovog završnog rada ekološka proizvodnja češnjaka. U
prvom dijelu završnog rada govori se o pojmu poduzetnika, poduzetništva, obrta i
obiteljsko poljoprivrednog gospodarstva. Drugi dio završnog rada govori o češnjaku, vrlo
traženoj začinskoj biljci i njegovim agrotehničkim karakteristikama. Slijedi razrada
projektne ideje sa svim potrebnim inputima do konačne realizacije projekta.
Obuhvaćeni su svi potrebni podatci koji se odnose na sva potrebna materijalna
sredstva kao što su: zemljište, mehanizacija, oprema, sušare, zaštitna sredstva,
financijska sredstva, radna snaga i ostalo.
Nastavak završnog rada obuhvaća podatke o proizvodima, izvorima financiranja,
tržištu, konkurenciji, SWOT analizu, marketingu koji će se provoditi, potrebnim
financiranjima, različite izračune koji se odnose na upravljanje učinkovitost i osjetljivost
projekta. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Entrepreneurship is not only one of the most important branches of the economy,
but also the lifestyle of a person engaged in entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship offers
great opportunities, but requires different qualities from an entrepreneur that not
everyone has. Creating something new is not easy, and you also need to know how to
be financially successful. An entrepreneur is a very intelligent, innovative, organized and
responsible person who has the ability to plan, turn his idea into an entrepreneurial
venture, taking risks, creating new value, being one step ahead of the competition while
being aware of the needs and wishes of customers. He must "weigh" very well how
much risk he takes in relation to the expected profit, how much he exposes himself and
his family to the possibility of financial failure, or what benefit he creates with a
successful business project for himself, his family, but also the community and society
as a whole. Entrepreneurship is a challenge, and with climate change, family farm is an
even bigger challenge. This was the impetus for writing this entrepreneurial project.
Living in the surroundings of the city, in nature, doing agriculture, gaining
experience growing different crops, looking at the state of the market, the choice fell on
the production of garlic. That is why the main topic of this final paper is the ecological
production of garlic. In the first part of the final thesis, the concept of entrepreneur,
entrepreneurship, craft and family farm is discussed. The second part of the final thesis
talks about garlic, a highly sought-after herb, and its agrotechnical characteristics. This
is followed by the elaboration of the project idea with all the necessary inputs until the
final realization of the project.
All necessary data related to all necessary material resources such as: land,
machinery, equipment, dryers, protective equipment, financial resources, workforce and
others are included.
The continuation of the final work includes data on products, sources of
financing, market, competition, SWOT analysis, marketing that will be carried out,
necessary financing, various calculations related to managing the efficiency and
sensitivity of the project. |