Sažetak | S intenzivnim razvojem tehnologije razvija se i čovječanstvo, unaprjeđuju se sva područja ljudskih djelatnosti, te se s time poboljšavaju i uvjeti života. Računala postaju obavezan alat u obavljanju profesionalnih zadaća. No, primjena računala nam donosi i određene rizike po zdravlje. Upravo zbog toga bitno je znati kako pravilno koristiti osobna računala, upoznati se s eventualnim nedostacima radnog mjesta za računalom, ali i znati procijeniti u kojoj mjeri programska potpora, koju koristimo kao alat u obavljanju profesionalnih zadaća, unaprjeđuje naš posao, a koliko nas koči u njegovu obavljanju. Cilj ovog rada je ukazati na činjenicu da pod ergonomiju na radnom mjestu za računalom ne spada samo uobičajena ergonomija radnog okruženja već se težište ergonomije sve više pomiče na analizu zadovoljstva korisnika funkcionalnošću i korisničkim sučeljem programske potpore kao osnovnom elementu tzv. uporabljivosti. |
Sažetak (engleski) | With the increasing development of the technology, the mankind is also developing, improve all areas of the human activity, and thus improve the living conditions. Computers have become an absolute must in the performance of professional duties. However, the use of computers brings certain health risks. Because of this it is important to know how to use personal computers, to become familiar with the possible shortcomings in the use of the computer at workplace, but also to know how to assess the extent to which program support, that we use as a tool in performing professional tasks, improves our work, and to which extent slows down its performance. The aim of this paper is to point to the fact that under the ergonomics of the computerized workplace include not only the usual ergonomics of work environment, but the focus of ergonomics is increasingly moving to the analysis of user satisfaction with functionality and user interface of the software as a basic element of the so-called usabilityWith the increasing development of the technology, the mankind is also developing, improve all areas of the human activity, and thus improve the living conditions. Computers have become an absolute must in the performance of professional duties. However, the use of computers brings certain health risks. Because of this it is important to know how to use personal computers, to become familiar with the possible shortcomings in the use of the computer at workplace, but also to know how to assess the extent to which program support, that we use as a tool in performing professional tasks, improves our work, and to which extent slows down its performance. The aim of this paper is to point to the fact that under the ergonomics of the computerized workplace include not only the usual ergonomics of work environment, but the focus of ergonomics is increasingly moving to the analysis of user satisfaction with functionality and user interface of the software as a basic element of the so-called usability. |